martes, agosto 17, 2004

Proyecto Documental del Immortality Institute

ImmInst Film Project

Film Mission
Create a realistic impression of the scientific pursuit of healthy life extension by producing and distributing a documentary film with authors from the book The Scientific Conquest of Death and other individuals who are working to advance the life extension movement.

Film Mantra
Less is more. Focus on quality.

Film Style
Film participants talk in their own words about their work and plans. Multiple film lengths and styles will be produced.

James Halperin, author of The First Immortal, and David Kekich, CEO TransVio have both pledged donations of $5,000 to help defray travel and production costs. To be considered for inclusion in the film and to help with funding, please contact Bruce Klein, Chair

All logical film distribution opportunities will be pursued. Profit is secondary to reaching a wider audience.

Potential Dates & Interviewees
Aug 5 - 8 (Thr-Sun)
Transvision - Toronto, Canada
Nick Bostom, Jose Cordeiro, James Hughes, Max More, Mike Treder,
Natasha Vita-More, Aubrey de Grey, Peter Passaro (and others)

Aug 28 - 29 (Sat-Sun)
Alcor Life Extension Foundation - Scottsdale, AZ
Joe Waynick, Alcor CEO, Tanya Jones, Alcor COO and others.

Oct 2 - 3 (Sat-Sun)
James Halperin, author The First Immortal - Dallas, TX

Oct 30 - 31 (Sat-Sun)
Anti-Aging Conference - Las Vegas, NV
David Kekich, CEO TransVio, and others

Más información

Discusión online sobre el Film Project